Just a few days ago, I received a plaque for 10 years of serving with Campus Crusade for Christ. This caused me to think through the last decade and my life on staff with CCC. All of those years have been spent at SFA and we have really loved being here and leading our staff team for the last six years.
Right now, we have alot to celebrate. We have an amazing staff team that we love doing life with and serving together on campus. There have been about 20 students begin relationships with Jesus this year, one just this week. We are actively trying to share the gospel with several different student groups on campus. And we have, for the most part, had the money we needed. This year has really been alot of fun.
I began to wonder if all that went away. If we didn't have a staff team, or if we had very few students involved, and if we were trying to operate without much money, would we still stay here? Would we continue to trust God for the students at SFA?
I really think we would. We would keep walking with God, keep sharing the gospel with students.
I hope that doesn't happen. I hope we continue to see staff join the cause. I hope we continue to see changed lives among students, students taking the challenge to reach their peers with the gospel, and students willing to go to the world with the gospel.
But I think even if that wasn't the case we would still be here 10 years from now, unless they run us off.
I can pretty confidently say that, yes, even if you weren't seeing such success you would still trust God for the students at SFA. You've trusted God for the last decade of reaching students - through thick and thin times (low support, 1 person on your staff team, etc). So cool to see God blessing y'all and to see 20 students trust Christ - that is insane.